This animated timeline is an educational oral history piece to document 200 years of insitutionalised racism in Britiain. 

From the 1824 Vagrancy Act, up to today’s Stop and Search policies, the animation moves through a series of checkpoints, using 2.5D techniques to give the piece the look and feel of a forensic investigation. 

The piece was meticulously researched by On The Record’s team, and we were given access to original police documents, archive photography and news reports. 

We used visual metaphors to adopt and reclaim the language of a police investigation – with thin blue lines drawing diagonally across the evidenc and alternating red-then-blue light leaks to give the piece a hint of colour. 

The film was used both at educational events in a museum-like setting as stimulus for workshops, whilst also serving as content for a long-form documentary.


Client: On The Record / Journey to Justice
Heritage Coordination: Rosa Kurowska
Project Manager: Rosa Schling
Director: Patrice Etienne
Animation Director: Reuben Armstrong
Music: Brandon Leon
Archive: Bishopsgate Institute, George Padmore Institute, Imperial War Museum, Homer Sykes
More info and full credits here: