University of Bradford asked us to direct, shoot and edit a series of short student stories. The brief was to capture the energy of the campus and the city to provide a snapshot for prospective students. 

Voiced by the student’s themselves, their vignettes are genuine and authentic snapshots of their student lives. 

From Amy, a midwifery student who spoke openly about how the University counselling service helped her navigate a tough first year, to Xander, a Games Design student (and wrestler!) who studied for a year in Japan as part of Bradford’s exchange programme. 

We also meet Maria, a Peace Studies student teaching Muslim women to ride bicycles, and Faith, a pharmacist who’s extra-curricular hobbies include lifestyle photography and street dance. 

In a tightly-scheduled five day shoot, with a small crew, we captured enough content for four student stories, a brand launch film, a social media campaign and a range of animated GIFs. The films went on to win Platinum at the 2019 Hermes Creative Awards.

"This is bradford. this is where i learnt that it’s ok to be me." – FAITH, PHARMACIST & DANCER

"It’s provided me with the opportunities to do what i’ve always wanted to do." - XANDER, GAME DESIGNER & WRESTLER

"i feel like it was a bit of fate that i came to bradford." - AMY, MIDWIFE

"this is bradford. this is where i found my voice." - maria, humanitarian and cycling coach

Client: University of Bradford
Agency: PS London
Director: Reuben Armstrong
DOP: Jamie Neale
Camera Assistant: Jim Burke
Sound & Music: Jamie Frye
Colour - Laura Pavone
Photographer - James North
Thanks to all the students who took part and welcomed us into their city.